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Personal Training in New York and Other Tips to Lose Fat Without Drugs and Supplements Amid a Pandemic

Obesity affects all segments of the American population. It comes with serious psychological and social dimensions and over 115 million people in developing countries suffer from this condition, according to an article by the WHO. The stress of job loss, multiple deaths, desire for comfort food and shelter-in-place amid a pandemic further fueled obesity. A new term called ‘Quarantine 15’ is doing rounds that refers to extra pounds gained. This has severe side effects such as high blood pressure, stroke, osteoarthritis and joint pain.

Obesity also has negative psychological effects like low self-esteem and spoilt body image, according to an article by ScienceDirect. The good news is that lifestyle changes can produce great weight loss results. For example, personal training in New York with a nutritional plan can leave you feeling accomplished, says coach MaikWiedenbach. Take a look.

  • Consistency with Fitness Goals

A personal trainer for weight loss can analyze your physique, potential injuries and muscular imbalances. It helps them outline the best-suited exercise plan. But it is crucial to perform them regularly with no room for error. This helps burn calories that cannot be lost through diet alone. Studies have found that obesity can reduce functional performance by 40%. But consistent workouts will help see an improvement in endurance. Lastly, it can increase your metabolism too which is a key factor for fat reduction.

  • Keep Yourself Hydrated

There is a positive link between water and weight loss. It is a natural appetite suppressant, boosts calorie burn and removes body waste, according to an article by Medical News Today. The top fitness trainer in NYC offers meal plans that encourage sufficient water intake. It will mainly depend on current humidity, health status, age and activity level. 1-2 liters per day before meals is enough to aid in weight loss.

  • High Fiber Foods

Total fiber intake must be 25-30 grams daily. A 10-gram increase in soluble fiber in your diet lowers the risks of belly fat by 3.7%. So, add plenty of chia seeds, flax seeds, green peas and chickpeas, kidney beans, raspberries, blackberries and lentils to your plate. Fruits like apples, pears, bananas and oranges are also packed with fiber. Consult your dietician and fitness instructor before creating a personalized meal plan.

  • Cut Down on Stress

Stress has an adverse impact on eating behavior. This can cause ‘fat deposition’ leading to abdominal obesity, according to an article by National Center for Biotechnology Information. Further, one of the most prominent biological responses to stress is a rise in cortisol levels. It can raise your appetite for ‘comfort food’. Individuals with an increased glucocorticoid sensitivity experience higher fat and BMI. So, it is vital to cope with stress on a daily basis. Listen to soothing music, practice medication and sleep well. You can also work with a fitness instructor to suggest a few mood-lifting exercises for better results.

Combine strength training for fat loss with the above-mentioned tips. Avoid skipping breakfast, use portion-controlled diets and include vegetables in your meals. You are likely to see a change in your fitness levels and body composition within the least possible time.


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